Today we had out the 3rd "96.7 The Eagle Thinks You're Awesome Award".

Star award against gradient background

This afternoon we tell another Rockfordian how awesome he/she is.

Outside looking in the Rockford area can be painted with a broad stroke. Crime, drugs, problems.

I know that this isn't what Rockford is truly about. There are so many positive, great things that happen.

The concept of this award is to reward those that do great things in our area. We have surprised two different people so far with this trophy, as they tell their story.

If you know someone that helps our community, someone that goes out of their way to make out are look, sound, and feel AWESOME please let me know.

Here is a little recap of what we have done so far


The June "96.7 The Eagle Thinks You're Awesome Award" is handed out this afternoon.

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