I remember watching Frank Zappa, Dee Snider and a few others battle Tipper Gore and the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). As usual Frank was the smartest person in the room and despite his day job, Dee was just as eloquent and plain-spoken as could be. On this day in 1965, the FBI visited the offices of Wand Records regarding the lyrics of the song 'Louie Louie' by the Kingsmen. The story goes that Attorney General Robert Kennedy received a complaint from a concerned parent that the song was obscene. After an investigation that included slowing the song down dramatically, the 'Man' concluded that the lyrics were unknown. They had no idea what they were saying.

I wonder how many songs I've heard and sung with over the years have lyrics that are different than what I think they are. Some singers are great at mumbling or singing in a way that masks exactly what they are trying to say. Mick Jagger is good at that. Kurt Cobain built a legend on that sort of thing. Eddie Vedder though really takes the cake with 'Yellow Ledbetter'. He sings very clearly, slowly and loudly but there is no way any human can decipher just what he is singing! Not one. I can not fully vouch for the accuracy, but here's 'Yellow Ledbetter' with lyrics.

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