
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
I think it's safe to say considering my history that I'm really not the person who should be labeling things as "strange". However, an argument could be made that I'm the perfect person to be the crown prince of odd. That's why I was very pleased to learn that Illinois Walmart stores are full of items that are downright bizarre.
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Maybe you're an expert Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kind of person. You know, the sort of individual that just has the skill to handle any and all projects. The sort of person who snorts when someone says "I Googled how to do ________." Or, maybe you're like me (and millions of others like me) who head straight for the world's foremost authority on everything to help you when you can't make head
Illinois Weirdest Museums
Illinois Weirdest Museums
Illinois Weirdest Museums
As a kid, I saw a lot of museums. I've said before that I've seen most of this country from the back seat of my parents car, but we did stop the car occasionally, and when we did it was often in front of a museum of some sort. If you want museums, Illinois is your spot.

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