This Illinois School District Has New Student Cell Phone Policy
The school district in Rockford, Illinois is implementing a new cell phone policy for students this year.
New Cell Phone Rules For Students In Rockford, Illinois Schools
Cell phones weren't really a thing for children until my daughter went to middle school. That's when parents started buying them for their kids. Of course, those students started bringing them to class which became a big problem.
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I remember at the beginning of each year for middle and high school we heard the same speech from the teachers, principals, and administrators. Cell phones are not allowed in class or some even said you couldn't have them in school.

Of course, that couldn't and wouldn't be enforced. In the beginning, students may have gotten scolded but after a while the teachers just gave up and I don't blame them. If you've been to any school in the last few years, cell phones are everywhere.
Some schools in Illinois are trying to fight back. They are enacting new cell phone policies to ban use in class and during learning time. It's too early to tell if it's actually working. This year, the Rockford School District is going to try and enforce it. Here are the new rules.
I'm very interested to see how it will actually work out. Personally, I applaud the Rockford School District for trying. Unfortunately, I think it's a losing battle. I believe the parents will put up a stink and not back the teachers which is sad. These kids should really be concentrating on their studies and not social media.