Wisconsin Town Has The Most Unique Way To Deliver Mail
It takes a lot of guts for a teenager to take on this summer job in Wisconsin.
Unique Way To Deliver Mail In Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
I have a couple of friends who are mail carriers. I give them a lot of credit because it's not an easy job. They're always working outside and the majority of the time there are some kind of weather elements to battle like heat, cold, rain, snow, and so much more.
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Of course, when I think of mail carriers what immediately comes to mind is the workers walking from house to house with their bags. Then, placing the letters and packages in the residents' mailboxes. I never thought about situations where the homes aren't in the easiest areas to reach.

Lake Geneva in Wisconsin is the perfect example. Many of the houses are on the water so that's where their mailboxes are too. The city's postal service had to come up with a plan to get the mail to the residents. They've created one of the most unique postal carrier positions in the entire United States.
On Lake Geneva, the postal carriers are actually called mailboat jumpers. It's a summer job for high school and college students. They have to jump off the vessel, put the letters in the box, and get back on the ship.
Sounds simple enough but there's a catch. The boat doesn't stop. They have to hop on and off while it's still moving. Of course, there's a tryout because it takes some skill. Many potential employees end up in the lake. Check out this video...
There's an added bonus. The mailboat also offers tours for visitors to Lake Geneva, so you can check out live and in person for yourself. I think I might have to put this on my bucket list for the summer.