Is it Illegal in Illinois to Eat Before Paying at a Grocery Store?
So it's just about dinner time and you're starving. You are going through your favorite grocery store, praying that you don't rack up a $200 bill because you skipped lunch and you are soo hungry!
What if you grab a package on Twinkies and go to town as you are shopping? Is what you did, illegal? FINDLAW
Man, we've all been there. Everything in the grocery store looks amazing! You really shouldn't have worked through lunch and put yourself in this "Hangry" phase.
So what's the law on this stuff?
What you consume is a part of this answer, so pay close attention:
"The key is whether the shopper eventually pays (or intended to pay) for her already-consumed goods. The type of food consumed can also matter. Something sold at a fixed price, like a bag of chips, may be more acceptable. So a customer who snacks while shopping, but eventually pays for it at the checkout, likely won't have to deal with any legal consequences." - FindLaw
So there's a chance you'll be just fine if you grab some beef jerky and eat it...as long as you pay for it at the end. You follow? Here's more:
"You're legally obligated to pay for however much you took from the store. So if you don't pay for what you've already eaten, then technically you've stolen it. Still, if no store employee, loss-prevention officer, or cashier calls you out on your unauthorized (and unpaid-for) snacking, you probably won't be prosecuted. You'll just have to deal with the guilt of knowing what you've done." - FindLaw
So it's explained, sort of. To be safe, just wait until you get home...or at least make it to the car!
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