After a driver in Illinois gets pulled over by police, the blames the drugs on strippers.

I learned early on, that if I got caught doing something bad to deny it. The next step is to blame someone else. Of course, most of the time that doesn't work. Especially, if you're an adult and dealing with the police.

According to,

"As a police dog indicated the presence of narcotics during a traffic stop, the driver blamed strippers whom he often gives rides to work."

"Police pulled over a vehicle with an expired registration. When asked if he had drugs the driver said no. Then the police dog sniffed around the vehicle. The dog indicated a “positive alert” to the odor of narcotics. A search turned up nothing." 

"The driver stated that he manages a gentleman’s club and he often has to give dancers rides to and from work.  Asked if he knows if any of the dancers that he gives rides to use narcotics, he replied probably all of them. The driver also said the vehicle belongs to his wife and said he was not sure what all she is into, as they do their own thing.".

They let him go.

I guess when all else fails, blame the stripper.

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