If you have any boys in Boy Scouts here in Rockford, or like me several nephews, you've most likely heard about or been to Canyon Camp.

This well know camp, just west of Rockford in Stockton, is need of help after the recent flood.

WREX reports that the camp survived the floods from the heavy rains the past few weeks, but it also left a lot of debris through out the camp and damaged several buildings, canoes and more.

See the video for  a closer look at the damage.
WREX.com – Rockford’s News Leader


As the camp continues to dry out they are looking at putting together mini-work weekends for that would like to come and volunteer their time to help in cleaning up the camp and repairing the buildings and areas, like the rifle range.

Here's what the Co-Camp Director, Dick Reynolds, had to say about helping at the camp according to the Canyon Camp website.

"The needs of camp have been, and will continue to be, assessed. Work days and the best ways to financially support Canyon Camp are beginning to come to fruition.  At this time, please save the date for the annual “Wood Cutter’s Ball” work weekend (October 7, 2017) as a time to help serve camp.  There will be other mini-work weekends established after camp has dried out and projects have been planned.  We will communicate these as they are set."

As for giving monetarily the camp has set up on-line giving through the site, click here. Or you can send them a check "to Blackhawk Area Council (2820McFarland Rd., Rockford, IL 61107) with “Canyon Flood Relief” in the memo line."



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