This Year For Valentine’s Day Name A Roach After Your Ex
You can name a cockroach after your ex for Valentine's Day this year.
Have you ever had a relationship that ended badly? Just the thought of it makes you angry. Especially, if you've invested a significant amount of time in it.
You try everything to get over it. You get rid of anything that reminds you of it. Things like pictures, CD's, movies, clothes, and etc. You date other people.
Unfortunately, you still have that bitter feeling.
Well, this might help. How about naming them after one of the grossest creatures on the planet?
According to,
"For those that don’t quite require revenge, there’s another way to make you feel better about getting back at your ex this Valentine’s Day."
"The Helmsley Conservation Centre, located southeast of London, is letting people name a cockroach after their ex or that of a friend for about $2."
"Participants will receive a certificate that reads, "I’ve named a cockroach at the Hemsley Conservation Centre in the not so loving memory of my worthless ex!"
"Names will appear on the roach board next to the zoo's cockroach enclosure. Money raised through the endeavor will go toward future zoo projects."
It might not make you feel better, but you have to admit that it's pretty darn funny.
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