Rockford Will Host the 2018 Sports Illinois Huddle
According to the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau the 2018 Sports Illinois Huddle is being held in Rockford this year.
This two-day event will be held here in Rockford Sunday, May 20 to Tuesday, May 22, 2018. This is the first time this tradeshow has been in our city. The RACVB say that this tradeshow and educational conference will be attended by event rights holders, representatives of national governing bodies, and tournament directors.
The Sports Illinois Huddle is a chance for attendees to be introduced to places that are available to host tournaments and events of all sizes. It's also a chance to show potential new customers what local facilities we have to offer here locally. While they're here in Rockford they will be visiting UW Health Sports Factory, Mercyhealth Sportscore One and Two, along with other private and public locations. Here's hoping this helps brings more revenue to our fair city.