It's no secret that pop isn't the healthiest thing to drink. In fact, one Rockford doctor is encouraging people to stop drinking it now.

Stop Drinking Pop

It's been about five weeks since I've had whole can of pop. I've had two sips because I "needed one" and ended up pouring it out because I no longer enjoy it. I chose to stop drinking pop because of the amount I was consuming in a day, anywhere from 2-4 cans a day. One Sunday I decided enough was enough and that I was finished with it. I think I've done pretty well, and after reading this I'll keep on the "no more pop" habit.

Boston University School of Medicine researchers shared some scary information about pop consumption, and it's frightening.

People who drink diet soda every day have three times the risk of stroke and dementia compared to those who rarely drink them.

Both of my maternal grand parents suffered from dementia so if this will lessen the odds of the disease taking over my life I'm all for it. Along with Boston University, a doctor at Swedish American Hospital shared the ultimate truth on drinking too much pop with WREX-TV.

"I don't think one is necessarily healthier in the other," says Dr. Daniel Hutchens with SwedishAmerican. "There's not as much sugar in the diet sodas, but what we're finding with the artificial sweeteners is that they might not be better for you than the sugars."

Dr. Hutchens and I have never met but I bet he'd be disappointed in the amount of pop I've drank over the last decade. If we met he would probably tell me that water is the healthiest thing for you and I can drink.

Catch JB Love on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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