Illinois cops solve the mystery of "why the chicken crossed the road."

History Of "Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road"

It is one of those age-old questions, "why did the chicken cross the road." Well, more than a question it became one of the ultimate "kid Jokes." I remember as a child in grade school, it was an honor on the playground if you came up with a new funny punchline to share with your friends at recess.


Of course, they were never really funny. The "go-to" answer was "to get to the other side." My favorite of all time has to be "to get away from Colonial Sanders." Through the years there have been literally thousands. Unfortunately, we never did find out the real answer.

Portrait of a Naked Neck Chicken

"Why The Chicken Crossed The Road" Finally Answered

I feel like this is a huge breakthrough in comedy. Finally, we will figure out the real reason why that darn chicken decided to cross that road.

According to,

"Because he was stolen."

Doesn't it feel like a big weight lifted off your shoulders now that you know the truth?

James, YouTube

Story Behind The Stolen Chicken

A family in Moweaqua, Illinois was given a brightly painted six-foot-tall and three-hundred-pound steel chicken as a gift. They named in Ruben and placed it in their front yard for all to see. They even decorated it for holidays and such.

Two Creative Chicks, Facebook

They woke up one morning to discover their prized possession was missing. Someone had stolen it. Not only was the family upset, but the whole town was up-in-arms because it became a local landmark.

David McNew
David McNew

Luckily, a few days later it was found in a ditch about twenty-five yards from the owner's house. My guess is that it was just a prank. Maybe, it was just too big of an item for the thieves. At least there was a happy ending.

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