Illinois Experiencing A Huge Tick Problem
There's a big tick issue in Illinois right now.
After being stuck indoors all winter, I was ready for better weather to come. It feels so good to open the windows to get fresh air or be outside for some activities.
Of course, nothing can be perfect. Now, I'm going to have to be careful in the great outdoors.
According to,
"You won't be happy to hear that Illinois is experiencing a major surge of ticks this year."
When you plan on bonding with danger, please use caution because those pesky bugs spread diseases.
The long winter along with the wet spring is the perfect breeding ground for these bugs. Their numbers are growing quickly.
"The main type of tick we have in Illinois is the deer tick, and it is known for Lyme disease. There are actually 15 tick-borne illnesses one could catch, but the main ones found in the state are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and tularemia."
If you head into the woods or a field of tall grass, make sure you protect yourself with bug spray. Also, check yourself for ticks after spending time in nature.
To remove a tick, use tweezers. Make sure you get the whole thing. That's the best way to avoid catching something. Bulls-eye shaped rash could be a sign of Lyme disease. If you find that mark, go see a doctor immediately.
It's good to keep the tick taped to a piece of cardboard. Then a physician can test it for infections.
To help prevent a bite, wear long pants and shirts. Tuck your pants into socks and shirt into pants.
Taking extra precautions will help to avoid contact with these bugs.
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