This Saturday from 4 to 6 pm at Harlem High School is the 7th Gala Presentation of the Harlem Veteran's Project.

Being presented are the completed documentaries from the 2017-2018 school year. These student-made documentaries highlight veterans from WWII to present-day conflicts.

According to the group's Facebook page, they were founded in 2007. The Harlem Veteran Project interviews, documents, and records American Veterans from World War Two and on. members have interviewed over 100 veterans and are currently working on a two-hour documentary on 1940's Rockford at the Homefront and abroad.

If you like to see past documentaries from previous gala's head to the group's YouTube channel or by clicking here.

You can stay updated with the Harlem Veteran Project by following them on Twitter @HarlemVetDoc or their Facebook page.

Video: Harlem Veteran Project



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