What Year Is It? 2 Crossbow Incidents In Illinois
Maybe I'm just hanging out in the wrong places (or the right ones depending on your personal preferences), but I just don't ever hear any crossbow references in my world but here are two separate issues with the medieval weapon that happened recently in Illinois.
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What Is A Crossbow?
As far as I know, nowadays there aren't a lot of incidents involving crossbows. So just in case, I thought I better give you a description if you're not familiar. It's not something you'll see every day even on TV or in the movies.
Crossbow, leading missileweapon of the Middle Ages, consisting of a short bow fixed transversely on a stock, originally of wood; it had a groove to guide the missile, usually called a bolt, a sear to hold the string in the cocked position, and a trigger to release it.
Illinois Crossbow Incident # 1
The problem occurred in Antioch. The suspect took the local police on a high-speed chase that went through several Illinois towns but ended up at his apartment building. He got out of his vehicle armed with a crossbow which he pointed and threatened the officers with. Eventually, one of the cops fired a warning shot at the man and he immediately gave up.
No one was injured when an officer opened fire after a man — who led police on a high-speed chase Sunday night in Antioch — pointed a high-powered crossbow at authorities.
Illinois Crossbow Incident # 2
This time the problem happened in Joliet. The suspect was arguing with his mother when a neighbor tried to intervene. The man ran to get his crossbow and started chasing after the victim. Then, he fired an arrow at the guy's head and luckily missed. The scared dude called the police and the armed fella was arrested.
A 53-year-old man from the Plainfield area, Harold Cochran, remains in Will County's Jail after Joliet police say he clubbed someone inside his house with a wood beam and then grabbed his crossbow and fired a wooden arrow at his victim.