Could Daxx Nielsen Run For Office in Rockford
Rumors this week said that Kid Rock could run for office, so would that open the door for other musicians like Daxx Nielsen.
Rumors circulating around the internet this week that members of the Republican Party are interested in having Kid Rock run for Senator in Michigan.
According to the political website Roll Call, Kid Rock's name was mentioned at the Michigan Republic Party convention.
At this point, it's all rumors.
If Kid Rock ends up running for office, would this open the door for other rockers to take on the world of politics?
The city of Rockford could definitely use a political shake up. Current Cheap Trick drummer, Daxx Nielsen, might fit that role.
Daxx has lived in Rockford his whole life. He really cares about the community. People really like him.
He would be a great upcoming leader. Especially, since former mayoral hopeful, Whitney Martin from WIFR, is moving to Milwaukee.
Since Cheap Trick is still actively touring, maybe he can start small like Alderman.
Vote Daxx!