This article was written and published on June 28, 2022, the day of Illinois' general election primary. You may have already been aware or maybe not. Maybe you are aware but are not sure who or what you are voting for. Here is a basic explanation of a general primary election, according to Galeo.

In the general elections, candidates square off against other parties instead of competing within their parties.


Republicans x Democrats

People may not be aware that an election is coming but I'm not sure how they could miss the signs, literally. If you listen to terrestrial radio there's a good chance you will hear a political advertisement, the same goes for local television, cable, and streaming services. Oh, and there are also all the signs along business streets, at intersections, and maybe in a yard or two.

It is imperative to remember all elections are important, local, state, and federal/presidential. There is that old saying that remains true today: if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain about politics. On the same note, don't just vote to vote if you have credible knowledge of who or what you're voting for.

Submitted Photo
Submitted Photo

At some of the most-traveled-through intersections around Northern Illinois, you may find a plethora of political signs. These signs may be small and basic or large and full of whatever message but they're there. And, yes, there are rules (laws) pertaining to the sizes of signs, where they are placed, and when they must be removed.

The Intersection of Guilford and Mulford Road

This spot is notorious for political signs. In fact, a business near the signs put up a message on their marquee no matter your political affiliation, it's something many of us agree with.

Submitted Photo
Submitted Photo

Well done, Lindstrom Travel, well done.

Can You Identify These 20 Intersections in Rockford?

Rockford has some weird intersections as well as "worst" intersections. Test your knowledge and see if you can correctly name all 20 of these interactions in the forest city.

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