A Story From The Potato Shack In Loves Park
Here is a great story about some of the people from the Potato Shak in Loves Park.
Pablo Korona is a film maker from Rockford. He really cares about his hometown. He created a video series called "Our City, Our Story." If you have never heard of it, please take some time and watch some of the stories.
"We tell the stories that if you're from Rockford, they make you proud to be."
"These stories are in response to the national attention Rockford, Illinois received from Comedy Central's The Daily Show for portraying Rockford as a wasteland littered with chain fast food restaurants."
Even though Rockford has a bad rap, I agree with Pablo. I believe there are great people and places here.
This is a great example from "Our City, Our Story."
If you've been in the Rockford area for awhile, I hope you've eaten breakfast at The Potato Shak in Loves Park. Since it's on North Second Street, I'm sure you've at least driven by. It's an awesome "Mom and Pop" style dinner.
Another good reason to go there is the people. It's such a family atmosphere. It doesn't matter if it's the owners, employees, or customers everyone is friendly.
Pablo Korona did an excellent job telling a story about the Potato Shak. He could've easily just done a basic film about the place. Instead, he takes you deeper. He introduces you to some of the actual people of the Potato Shak.
I was really moved by his story. I hope you enjoy it too.
Video: Our City, Our Story — Potato Shak
I know Rockford has many problems, but there are many good things too. Try to stay positive.
Video: Cait Duuell Talks About her Missing Sister Emily Ann Dull Anderson