There’s Now A New Airbnb Type App For Swimming Pools
If you want to go swimming but have no pool, there's now an app for that.
When it was really hot a couple of weeks ago, my family and I really wanted to go swimming. Unfortunately, we don't have a pool. I wish I would have known about this app earlier because I would have definitely tried it out.
According to nbcchicago.com,
"It's like Airbnb but for pools. Swimply is a pool sharing platform that connects owners of private pools with people looking for a place to swim and hang out."
I think this is a great idea.
The app has been growing especially with people that live in apartments and want to get out to enjoy a nice summer day. Swimply takes 15% of whatever the pool owner earns from the rental. One renter says he charges $50 per hour. It is now available in 26 states including Illinois.
Next time there's a hot day, you might want to check this out.
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