Vanilla Extract is getting teenagers drunk.

I'm not proud but I'm not going to lie. When I was in high school on the weekends, my friends and I would drink.

We would sneak booze from our parents, try to buy on our own, or at last resort ask someone at a gas station to buy beer for us.

Our liquor of choice was a Stroh's 30-pack because a normal case had only 24 cans and that way we could get an extra friend drunk.

Such dumb kids.

It seems like things are getting worse.

According to,

"High schoolers are using popular baking ingredients to get drunk and they're getting them from grocery stores."

Vanilla Extract is 70 proof, so students are putting it into their coffee to get wasted.

It's a dangerous combination and has sent some to the emergency room.

Is this another item that's going to have to be kept under lock and key at the store?


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