Take A Lake Geneva Boat Ride To A 1800’s Wisconsin Historic Estate
Looking for a way to finally take a look inside those massive Lake Geneva Mansions?
Last summer I was finally able to be out on Lake Geneva on a boat. It was a great day on the lake, but my favorite part was looking at all of the mansions along the lake. Not just big houses ... MANSIONS. Some of the biggest, most incredible-looking houses I've ever seen.
In my head, I was thinking how incredible it would be to just pull the boat up to shore, get off, and take a look around inside. Turns out I'm not the only one who has that urge. There's an actual tour that lets you take a boat ride to an old Wisconsin mansion where you can take a tour.
It's the Black Point Estate Tour in Lake Geneva, WI. The tour's website details -
Enjoy a look inside this historic estate! After a 45-minute narrated boat tour from Lake Geneva to Black Point Estate, visitors will take a guided tour of the first two floors of the mansion and the exterior grounds which will last approximately 1½ hours. The return trip to Lake Geneva by boat will also include a narrated tour.
They do note that there is a lot of stairs on the tour. If you've ever seen the houses along Lake Geneva it's no secret they have a lot of floors and a lot of times it's a hike to get from the lake to the house itself.
But if you're into old historic houses, you'll definitely want a tour of the inside of this place.
You can get tickets for the tour here.
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