President Joe Biden Sworn In at 2021 Inauguration: Katy Perry, Barack Obama and More ReactPresident Joe Biden Sworn In at 2021 Inauguration: Katy Perry, Barack Obama and More ReactStars rejoiced in the new U.S. president.Jacklyn KrolJacklyn Krol
Jury Duty For Former PresidentJury Duty For Former PresidentThe former President of the United States of America fulfilled his civic duty by showing up for jury duty in Cook County.Double TDouble T
Celebs React to Cubs’ World Series Win, Breaking of Billy Goat CurseCelebs React to Cubs’ World Series Win, Breaking of Billy Goat CurseThe team broke a 108-year-old curse to secure a win that sent Chicago (and Twitter) into hysterics.Matthew Scott DonnellyMatthew Scott Donnelly
Armchair Film Critic Barack Obama Names His Favorite Movie of the YearArmchair Film Critic Barack Obama Names His Favorite Movie of the YearIt’s hard enough for film critics without Barry O. snatching up our freelance gigs, but President Obama and the First Lady weighed in with their choices for 2015’s best film.Charles BramescoCharles Bramesco
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Afternoon News Update: April 17A Rockford man is free after spending nearly two decades in prison.1440 WROK1440 WROK