Sassy Illinois Man Wears Pink and Purple Polka Dot Dress and Robs Bank
This "bank robbing outfit" is unique to say the least. I mean, you want to be hidden, you want to not be recognized, so why not go overboard? Maybe this dude was living out a fantasy? Hey, no judging here....any way you slice it, it didn't work. SG
50 year old Arnell Edwards walked into a bank in Athens, Illinois and was ready to party! At least he was dressed for the party. Arnell had a white rag over his face/mouth, but it's the rest of the outfit that is all the rage. Mr. Edwards had on a pink with purple polka dots dress, a pink wig, and sunglasses. That will fool em!
Arnell slid the teller a not that read, "STICK UP ALL MONEY." Tellers are trained for this crap, but the outfit though...Oh, he used a high pitched squeaky voice too! This guy came ready to rob, or something.
Arnell made out with just over $1000 bucks. Yep. All the money, Arnell.
They followed, they found, there was a stand-off for about 45-minutes as cops surrounded Arnell's girlfriend's apartment. Maybe the clothing belonged to her? There was a trail of a wig, and his attire along the route to the apartment.
Inside the apartment was the note pad and pen that matched the note passed to the teller. Ouch!
Crime doesn't pay, and wearing a pink and purple polka dot dress may seem like a great idea at the time, but it apparently wasn't.