You Can Camp On Top Of A Building In Illinois’ Largest City
If you're looking for that truly unique camping experience, you can go glamping on top of a tall building in Illinois.
One-of-a-kind Glamping Experience In Chicago
My family was never into the camping thing. My parents just didn't enjoy it. My dad would joke if he wanted to "rough it," he would stay in a motel instead of a hotel. I went a couple of times in Cub Scouts but I wasn't a member very long if that tells you anything.
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I know people who love camping so much, that they'll just set up a tent in the backyard and their family will stay in it for the weekend. That seems a little much to me. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of enjoying nature? Especially, if you can just go into your house whenever you want.

Now, if you want to talk glamping that might be something I would be willing to try. It's more like a resort than camping. Those tents are nicer than my actual bedroom. Of course, it will cost you a lot more money too.
When you live in a big city like Chicago, there aren't a lot of opportunities to experience real nature without driving far out of town to a campground. I think that's where glamping can find its niche. The Windy City has a truly unique place to try it out.
One of the nicest hotels in Chicago is The Gwen. On their rooftop, they offer a unique experience of glamping. They've set up a tent right there under the stars with a beautiful view of the city. Of course, their amenities are a lot better than real camping or staying in one of the regular hotels in the Windy City.
When you go glamping at The Gwen in Chicago, it also includes an adjoining suite. Now that's what I call roughing it. If you're interested in checking it out, you might have to wait until next year. That's because you'll need to save up some money. After all, it will cost you anywhere between $3,500 to $5,500 to stay there.
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Gallery Credit: Joe Dredge
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