Rockford Kickball Tournament Benefiting Local Men’s Cancer Research
This weekend, sign up to play kickball to benefit men's cancer research done locally in Rockford.
It's my favorite kind of event, fun and helps a great cause.
Brovember Inc is hosting "Kicking Balls For Men's Cancer" this Saturday, July 21st from 10am - 6pm at Searles Park in Rockford.
Cost per team is $150.00. It's a Double Elimination Tournament. Each team has 8-10 players with a minimum of 2 girls. The winning team will receive the coveted ”Kicking Balls for Mens Cancer” trophy and a pizza party with a $200 gift card for drinks! Players must be 18 and older to play.
If you don't want to play, it's free admission for spectators. Come down to cheer on your favorite team, enjoy music, play bags, grill out, and more.
The best part of this whole event is the money stays local for research done right here in Rockford.
Grab a group of friends and play some kickball this weekend. It will be a great time and it helps our community.
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