Paranormal Investigation In Stillman Valley
There were some local Ghost Hunters doing an investigation at a sight in Stillman Valley.
Last year during the month of October, I teamed up with Dan and Larry from The Ghost Hunter Dan Norvell Project. To get us all in the Halloween Spirit, each week they featured a different haunt in the Rockford area.
If you want to take a look back, go HERE.
It went over so well, I'm bringing it back by popular demand. Here's our first stop on this adventure. Major Isaiah Stillman's campsite during the Blackhawk War at Stillman's Hill in Stillman Valley, Illinois.
Here's our discussion about their paranormal investigation.
Video: Investigating Paranormal Activity At Stillman's Hill in Stillman Valley, Illinois
Also, here's some video footage of the actual investigation.
Video: Ghost Hunting at Stillman Hill in Stillman Valley, Illinois
We will hit another haunt next week.
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