It can be tough to convince a college student to do anything before noon. Perhaps some money could sweeten the pot. 

That's the idea behind Northern Illinois' latest attempt to draw more students to their football games.

Here's the pitch. For every 1,000 students who swipe their student IDs to get into the game, NIU will randomly select 10 winners who will win $100. The money will be deposited directly into their bursar's account.

NIU is famously considered somewhat of a commuter school with the campus being so close to many student's homes. Maybe this will encourage some more kids to stick around in DeKalb for the weekend to take in some football.

ChicagoTribune - NIU averaged just 11,291 in home attendance last season, about equal from 2016 but down from 13,942 in 2015, according to NCAA data.

The product on the field isn't the reason for declining attendance, NIU has been at the top of the MAC for most of the 21st century.

An interesting experiment to say the least. We'll have to wait and see if it actually works.


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