This High School Running Back Is Utterly Impossible to Tackle
Now THAT is how you perform in the state championship.
This touchdown run is improbable, for multiple reasons. First of all, this kid -- whose name is Najhier West, for future fantasy-league reference -- should've been tackled at least six times. It looks like even he's surprised when he escapes for the third and fourth time. He can barely even make it across the goal line before collapsing. We guess the 11 defenders gave up long before that.
And best of all, we were serious when we said "state championship." Gotta be every high school football player's dream to pull off a run like this in a game like this -- the Pennsylvania PIAA Class 2A championship. West plays for Steel Valley (who won, 49-7, largely thanks to West's dominance), and we feel certain his picture will be on that school's Wall of Fame for a long, long time.