Most Pot Smokers Believe They Won’t Get Busted Driving High
The majority of marijuana users think they will not get caught driving while under the influence.
Since recreational cannabis is becoming legal in Illinois, there are some red flags that the authorities in the state are concerned about. One of the issues is driving stoned. Will they be able to police it like with alcohol?
Are drivers getting behind the wheel while "high" going to be a problem? According to some recent research, it looks like it could be.
"Survey finds 70% of drivers don’t think they’ll get pulled over while high. 14.8 million drivers reported getting behind the wheel within one hour after using marijuana in the past 30 days."
Why are officials concerned?
“It’s important for everyone to understand that driving after recently using marijuana can put themselves and others at risk. Driving behaviors while high exhibit similar patterns as driving while drunk, such as weaving, lane-changing and inability to focus. The drug can significantly alter reaction times and impair judgment."
If you're excited about legal weed coming to the "Land of Lincoln," please be safe and use common sense.
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