MLB Tells Brewers to Fix Stadium or It’s Bye Bye, Milwaukee
Major League Baseball has a message for the Milwaukee Brewers...
Fix your stadium, or else you'll be moved!
The home of the Milwaukee Brewers, American Family Field (opened as Miller Park on 2001) is in need of some serious repairs. With the Oakland A's heading to Las Vegas, Major League Baseball wants Milwaukee to bring their stadium up to where it needs to be or THEY might be moving too.
So the work that Brewers Stadium needs, what kind of money are we talking? How about $428 million over the course of the next 20 years. Whoa. This would mean the Milwaukee Brewers would have to take care of upgrades and repairs to keep them there until 2043.
There was talk a little while back that the tax money made from legal marijuana sales in Wisconsin, could go to the stadium repair...Well, it sure does look like that isn't going to happen.
Check out this video, about the message that MLB sent to the Milwaukee Brewers:
Could you imagine the Milwaukee Brewers, not playing in Milwaukee? They've been there since 1970, and those two words just go hand in hand. Milwaukee. Brewers. What happens if they can't come up with the funds to do this? Hello, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Brewers???
Will the governor step in and help out the "Brew Crew," or will MLB take their ball and go home? CBSSports
Quirky Pyramid Restaurant For Sale in Wisconsin