Fore!!! $10 Mil Worth of Pot Found Near Illinois Golf Course
When the news story states "it was as big as two football fields," you now have my attention. CBSLOCAL
This massive pot grow was found near the Harborside International Golf Center, in Cook County. These guys, (maybe women) has a well planned out and taken care of pot grow operation, with some as tall as CHRISTMAS TREES!!
How was this field discovered? A Cook County Sheriff was flying over in a helicopter and looked down. Oh looky there, that's a LOT of pot!
This operation was 100 yards for a street, put the whole thing was hidden by flowers.
The entire take down has a street value of $7 - $10 million!
There was evidence of "camp" that was set up so people could stay out there and take care of the plants. he police found sleeping bags, empty Cheetos bags, and pop cans. Cheetos bags? Don't get into the product people...geez.
“five rows of plants, straight line configuration. It didn’t look normal for wild growth.” - pilot Edward Graney
No arrests were made, but cops were using DNA to try to link people to the giant grow. A truck driver did watch someone running from the scene the day that the helicopter flew over, but that's about it.