Illinois Police Arrest Plumber After Firing Gun At #1 Competitor
The battle between competing Illinois plumbers over a big contract turns violent and scary.
Who Knew The Rivalry Between Illinois Plumbers Was So Fierce
Honestly, this story seems like something that would happen in a 1980s mafia movie. I would never believe someone would try to pull off a stunt like this one against their competition nowadays. I understand there was a big contract up for grabs but there's no reason for things to get violent. There are definitely better ways to deal with your number one competitor.
Illinois Plumber Fires Gun At Competition
There was a contract open to bidding for a massive plumbing job at Loyola University in Chicago. It was for big money so it could push someone's business to the next level. This is definitely a career changer. I can understand why things could get a little tense between rivals trying to win this project.
The man loses the plumbing contract so he decides he wants revenge against his enemy. He and his brother drive over to the nearest grocery store and steal a license plate to put on his brother's car. They head over to their rival's house. The suspect pulls out a gun and starts shooting up the garage belonging to his competition. He put several bullet homes into the structure. Luckily, no one was home.
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Police Arrest Illinois Plumber For Shooting Up Rival's Garage
It didn't take long for the police to track down the suspects and arrest them. The pair were caught on video stealing the license plate. They also got filmed driving up to the garage and shooting at it. During the investigation, police were able to track the suspect's cellphone locations during the incident. Officers also found an empty bullet shell casing in the vehicle. I'm guessing they never thought they would get caught. We've got a couple of geniuses here with this case.