Look to The Skies Tonight to See The Perseid Meteor Shower
If you are going to look at any one meteor shower this year, this is the one to see.
How amazing is this going to be! Eek, I'm so excited to set out a blanket and look towards the sky this evening. I suggest you do too! Look in a northeast direction towards the constellations of Perseus, the 'Y' shaped constellation.
IFLScience was key in reminding me about the meteor shower tonight. This annual meteor shower is something you have to see to believe.
Lucky for us here in the Stateline Area, there are many places that are not over crowded with street lighting. The beautiful, scenic fields are moments away, which would be best to see this Perseid Meteor Shower.
According to IFL Science,
The comet Swift-Tuttle travels through our Solar System every 133 years, leaving a dust trail in its wake. When Earth passes through, the dust cloud specks hit its atmosphere, causing the Perseid meteor shower, which happens annually between July 17 and August 24.
Although this meteor shower lasts over a month, the prime viewing days are from now until August 14. The brightness of the meteor shower will be even more amazing due to no moonlight at this time either. The showers will be so bright there will be no need for binoculars.
One helpful hint, don't rush the process! It can take your eyes up to 20 minutes to adjust to the dark.
Keep your eyes to the skies!