Local Bakery Gets Customer’s Hopes Up with ‘Blind Date With a Baker’ Promotion
I'm sure you're familiar with the saying, "if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is;" and sadly you find that in that one case, it really was.
Then there's this- a promotion from a local bakery that really does sound too good to be true, but it's actually true; just not in the way you were hoping.
This morning I came across this photo on Instagram and my interested was peaked instantly. Blind date with a baker? You mean to tell me that this bakery offers blind dates with its staff?
I had to learn more.
In reading the comments, it appeared that I wasn't the only one who had misunderstood what "Blind Date with a Baker" really means. One Instagrammer said,
"I got my hopes up. Baker blind dates should be a thing. We'd always have something to talk about... Bake bread with someone you love! A quality marketing scheme you have there."
It turns out, "blind date with a baker" is Crust & Crumbles fun and unique way to introduce new breads to their customers. The bakery says,
"We call our CSB program blind date w/ a baker because the weekly loaves are baker's choice and no one knows what they are getting!"
If you knead some bread in your loaf, stop by Crust & Crumbles; they're located on the northwest corner of the Water & Market intersection in between The Cheese People of Beloit and Cantina Taco.