This Weekly Kids Movie Series in Wisconsin Is Fun AND Budget Friendly
Up until the last six months, I hadn't watched a movie in an actual theater for at least 10 years. So, when we finally took our girls to their first movie in a theater I suffered through some MAJOR sticker shock. Not only did it cost over $30 for four matinee tickets, the amount of money we spent at the snack bar about had me swearing off going to the movies ever again, but that is a story for another day.
My point here is this; going to the movies is fun, but the price you pay to be there is not.
What if I told you there is a way you could take your kids to the movies EVERY week this summer, AND it only cost you less than $10 to get in?!?
Classic Cinemas in Beloit, Wisconsin is Hosting a $2 Summer Movie Series for Kids
It always amazes me how quick cases of summer boredom can kick in with kids. Summer break starts, and then like two weeks later, the "I'm bored" whining begins, and I HATE the "I'm bored" whining! Sure, you could throw Disney+ on and tell the kids to have it, but wouldn't be more fun to go to the movies every Wednesday this summer? Enter in Classic Cinemas - Beloit for the win...
Honestly, parents, what could be better than paying $2 per kid to see a movie? Giving them the chance to meet some of their favorite characters before the show!
If your summer break often involves weekly playdates with other families, Classic Cinemas also offer group reservations for up to 20 people with this movie series. For just $8 a person you get admission and a kiddie combo that includes popcorn, a juice box or kiddie drink, and a fruit snack. Double win!
To find out more about the Wednesday Morning Movie Series, go to classiccinemas.com.
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