Illinois Car Jacker Jumps in Chicago River to Avoid Cops, Has to be Saved

Smart criminals are few and far between...this fella is a great example.
CWBCHICAGO Omar Al-Shamali of Hickory Hills, Illinois took off from the cops this past Saturday morning...He was in a stolen car and the police were hot on his tail. The 22 year old crashed to stolen car, jumped out and tried to avoid being arrested by jumping in the Chicago River to swim away to safety...in February...in Illinois.
The car jacker was in fact pulled over when he decided to floor it and "get away." In the process he struck another car and actually out-distanced the officers that were chasing him. But, CPD used Chicago's surveillance cameras which are EVERYWHERE, to track the travel of Mr. Al-Shamali. They noticed a stop in the action, and that is when Omar jumped out of the stolen car and took off on foot. He then leaped into the Chicago River and tried a Michael Phelps type escape.
When the Chicago Police Department arrived, they called the fire department and a marine unit to save Omar from the icy cold river. Mr. Al-Shamali was rescued and the man then made a dramatic court appearance, if this wasn't enough drama.
There was a BB gun in the stolen car that Omar told the judge was not his...of course. He then proceeded to tell an officer at the hearing to "shut the F*** up." Brilliant, simply brilliant.
Bail was set at $5000, no word on if Omar has recovered from his shrinkage.