Greg Lindmark Event and Ride This Weekend
Rockford Steel Pigs will be hosting the annual Heroes for Heroes Greg Lindmark Foundation Ride this Saturday.
Greg Lindmark passed away related to PTSD and Cumulative stress he was a 23 year veteran and Deputy Chief of Rockford Police Department. All proceeds from this Saturday's event at Kegel Harley Davidson benefits the Greg Lindmark Foundation, "Heroes for Hereos", a confidential program to lessen the impact of cumulative stress and trauma on police officers by providing education and support programs that enhance their emotional well-being.
If you are interesting in the ride here are the details:
- Registration for Escorted ride 9:30a
- Single $25 w/Rider $35
- Color Guard 10:15a
- Kickstands Up 10:30a
- Ride Returns at 12:30a
- During the ride there will be vendors and displays featuring an antique Rockford Police car.
Once the ride returns, plenty of food, raffles, the REACT helicopter, something for everyone at Saturdays benefit.
PTSD is very serious and the numbers for suicide and those struggling with PTSD are alarming. Here is some more info about PTSD: