A group of tremendous members of our society call the "Crazy White Boys Gang", were super upset and plotted revenge on another gang member.

The SG tells us, that the plan was to tattoo over another gang members "CWB" tattoo which was some sort of gang "violation". The gang busted down the door and planned to tattoo a racial slur over the tattoo...But spelling is not their strong suit.

Michael Hart was forced to get a "cover up" that first off was stupid, and now makes all of them look stupid. O.K. I'll try to type this to the bet of my censoring abilities...

The tattoo WAS to read "F*** N word" No one Googled correct spelling and the tattoo ended of being "F*** a West African Country" You understand, right?

Stupid on so many levels. The victim is currently serving a 4-year sentence for meth possession.


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