Flashback Friday: Kids In The Hall Meets The Doors (VIDEO)
Sitting here on the eve on my oldest 10th birthday, I can't help but think of how my Friday nights have sure evolved over the years.
And that got me thinking of my Friday nights hanging with my friend Marcia watching Kids in the Hall and drinking Baliey's with chocolate milk. I'm not going to admit to committing the crime of underage drinking, but don't judge my younger self's decisions. I mean, I used to drink Zima too.
Anyway, we would watch hours of that sketch comedy show from Canda. We would get together after our shift at Old Navy and binge-watch our favorite skits. The Sizzler Sisters (Jerry and Jerry), Bowser's Endless Search for Weed, the Chicken Lady, and The Pit of Ultimate Darkness were ones that got a lot of airplay.
So as I'm getting things ready for my daughter's birthday, I thought I'd watch some Kids in the Hall. A couple of videos in on YouTube and I stumbled onto this one.
It merges two of my favorite things, the KITH, and the Doors.
Major Newspaper Headlines From the Year You Were Born
KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born