Sunday night was a tough one for me. I feel every single emotion while watching the Bears play and Facebook knows how I'm feeling.

Football games at my house are awesome, if I do say so myself.

David Banks, GettyImages
David Banks, Getty Images

My sweetie and I like to bring the TV outside on the back patio, light a bonfire, eat an abundance of junk-food and cheer for our favorite teams.

I'm a Bears fan, he is a Raiders fan. Lucky for me it hasn't caused any fights between us as he will always watch a Bears game with me and root for the home team.

Last Sunday when the Bears played the 49ers, my heart was racing. I spent the first have of the game contemplating why I was even a Bears fan. It seemed if nothing on the field was going as planned. I was pacing back and forth around the bonfire hoping I didn't trip and fall in. I think I cried a little on the inside.

By the second half of the game and ultimately to the big win, I was yelling, jumping, sitting on the edge of my seat and nail biting. I wasn't alone. My entire Facebook feed was filled my friend's and family's emotional turmoil.

Turns out, Facebook did a study about the emotional roller coasters that football fans across the country go through during an entire football season. I found the study quite interesting! Check it out! There are so many graphs and such that really dive deep into the stats.

My question is, what else is Facebook monitoring?

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