Cubs Fan Pretends To Work At IL Grocery Store To Steal Booze
Illinois booze thief tries sneaky way to steal from a grocery store.
What Is It Like Working Security At A Grocery Store?
I have a friend that works in security at a grocery store. He works in the back watching the surveillance cameras. He's told me some funny stories through the years. It's crazy what people try to get away with. There would never be a boring day. I think it would be a pretty difficult job.
Key To Committing A Successful Crime
First of all, I highly suggest not breaking the law. Nothing is worth going to jail for. If you insist on living life dangerously, then your key to being successful is a good plan. Of course, most get busted because they are dumb criminals doing stupid crimes. This guy actually had a pretty original idea and so far has gotten away with it. I'm sure at some point the police will track him down.
Cubs Fan Pretends To Work At Illinois Grocery Store To Steal Booze
The incident happened at Whole Foods Market in Elmhurst, Illinois. If you're not familiar, it's a really nice grocery store in a good area. They usually don't have much trouble.
The suspect entered the grocery store. Pretending to be a new employee, he approached one of the workers. The thief explained he was just starting and needed a uniform. The helpful person set him up with a chef jacket. The criminal headed to the liquor department. He grabbed a bunch of booze and took off.
The description of the suspect was sunglasses, a surgical mask, jeans, boots, a store uniform, and wearing a Chicago Cubs hat. I think the team would be very disappointed in their lawbreaking fan.
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