Can an Illinois Walmart Fire You For Smoking Weed?
What an interesting question. I approach this for a few different reasons, let's discuss.
On a recent Walmart visit, I was "lost" by the new look of this Walmart. Things were "backwards" compared to how they were before. So instead on wandering around like a crazy person, I asked an employee.
Now this isn't a "judgement" of this person, but he was high as hell. The smell of weed was super intense and the rest was pretty much what you would expect...Red eyes, slow speech, cheesy smile and just loving life in his blue smock.
Now I will say, he was super polite and helpful and I could not give a crap how high he was. But this got me thinking, does a huge corporate box store like Walmart "test" for weed in Illinois.
It IS now legal in the state of Illinois, so does that change policy for employees? Obviously you don't want that have an effect of job performance, or the amount of Cheetos one eats during a shift (orange finger prints everywhere) so what's the deal? NPR
The new Illinois law was written to give employers the right to fire employees for smoking weed. So it's an actual NEW LAW. Employers have the right to fire people for being impaired, by any type of substance while they are at work.
So whether it's Walmart or wherever you can in fact get canned if you smoke weed and it effects your employment. The whole zero tolerance is a thing, and if there's a hint of the reefer you might be in big trouble.
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