20 Most Dangerous Intersections in Rockford
Avoid these twenty intersections in Rockford at all costs!
I hope you never have been or will ever be involved in a car accident. They are scary, can be painful and you can never drive past the place you were hit again for the fear that it will happen again.
One intersection in Rockford that really scares me is Alpine and Guilford/Brendenwood. Crossing Alpine from either direction makes my hands sweaty, especially when winter time rolls around.
Potholes mixed with snow and the inability to get your tiny car across the street in snow during the three second green light is terrifying. It's even worse when some other driver in a monster truck decides that because he can move his car, he should just creep closer and closer to you nearly t-boning your car because, well he can.
Surprisingly, on a list put together from WIFR in 2010, Alpine and Guilford didn't make it on the list.
Here are the 20 Most Dangerous Intersections according to WIFR's 2010 Special Report with data provided by local law enforcement agencies.
Number 1:
- State and Perryville
Number 2 (TIED):
- Alpine and East State
- South Main and U.S. 20
- Forest Hills and Illinois Route 173
Number 3 (TIED):
- Forest Hills and Illinois Route 251
- Harlem and Illinois Route 251
- State and Summit
- State and Mulford
- Alpine and Center Terrace
- Phelps and State
Number 4 (TIED):
- Kilburn and Whitman
- Alpine and Broadway/Newburg
- Alpine and Harrison
- Mulford and Charles
- Mulford and Spring Creek
- North Central and Riverside
- Jefferson and Winnebago
- Chestnut and Wyman
- 11th Street and 18th Avenue
- South Main and Meridian
In your humble opinion, what do you think is the worst intersection in Rockford? Let us know in the comments below!