HERE IT IS! What Illinois Women Really Want For Valentine’s Day
Again, women prove that the best gifts don't cost a ton of money, in fact, they DON'T COST A THING. You need to see this before you start gift shopping.
If your plan was to be running around near last-minute to find just the perfect gift for your partner for Valentine's Day?
You won't like hearing this, but guess what...
It's not that you won't find a gift that she'll love, and it's not because you waited too long and now they're all gone.
The reason you won't find the perfect gift for Valentine's Day
The perfect gift for your Valentine's isn't in a store, that's why.
You can guess all you want, but this comes straight from the women you're about to shop for.
We asked what women REALLY want for Valentine's Day and this is what they said
Here are the top things women want from their man on Valentine's Day:
Stop what you're doing and play with your kids
Do the dishes
Cook dinner
An exhilarating uninterrupted conversation
Do the laundry (and fold)
Smile more often
Hold her hand
Be more kind
Card, flowers, dinner... they're all great too but when we asked what women really wanted for this holiday, the 8 things above were mentioned most often.
Are you getting the hint? The best gifts can never be purchased in a store.
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