Were There Any Toys Left Behind At This Abandoned WI Toys R Us?
As you're driving by an abandoned Toys R Us, do you ever wonder what's inside? Let's take a look.
Toys R Us Was A Big Part Of My Childhood Memories
I have fond childhood memories of Toys R Us. I remember my parents taking me there as a kid to pick out a toy. That was an amazing experience. Just walking up and down the aisles, the place seemed enormous when I was young. I really thought they carried every toy imaginable. I can still picture it today.
Even as an adult, I still loved going to Toys R Us. When I became a parent, I was all about taking my daughter there to have the same magical experience I did back in the day. One of my favorite Toys R Us TV Commercials was "I Don't Want To Grow Up."
There Are No More Big Toy Stores Left
Unfortunately, it all came to an end in 2018 when the whole chain went out of business. The hearts of kids all around the world were broken. I feel really bad for those children who will never get that special moment in their life of walking through a monstrous toy store like Toys R Us.
What Happened To All The Former Toys R Us Locations?
Many of the former Toys R Us locations have opened as other businesses. For example in Rockford, one is now a Salvation Army Store and the other is a Dick's Sporting Goods. Every once in a while, you can run into one that is still abandoned. I found a video of a store in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Were There Any Toys Left Behind?
Unfortunately, the answer is no.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
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