Two States Are Trying to Opt Out of Daylight Saving Time; Should Illinois?
Just in case you needed a reminder, because I did, daylight saving ends this weekend and once again we'll need to set our clocks back an hour.
For those in their 20's it means an extra hour at the bar, for parents it means "the clock will read 2am when your kid wakes you at 3am "just to say hi," and for the rest of us it means an earlier bed time because the sun starts to set before we even leave the office.
For residents of Massachusetts and Maine, it could soon mean absolutely nothing. According to Travel and Leisure, both states might soon opt out of the annual time change.
Wait, states can do that? Apparently so. The plan for the two New England states is to ditch daylight savings time and join the Atlantic time zone, which would give them an extra hour of sunlight in the afternoon.
Do you think Illinois should consider opting out of this wintertime controversy? Perhaps most interesting of all is that states have the option to say "no thanks" to setting the clocks back an hour every winter.
Two years ago, Illinois State Representative Bill Mitchell introduced a bill to end daylight savings time in the Land of Lincoln but so far the bill hasn't gone anywhere yet.