Tricky Referendum Question Could Impact Liquor Sales In Winnebago
If you live in Winnebago, please read the ballot carefully before you vote on the alcohol sales issue.
I learned about voting early on in life.
My Father emphasized to me the importance, especially on the local level.
Of course, when I go into the voting booth it's not always cut and dry. I have to read carefully because some items are worded in strange ways.
There is something like that going on in Winnebago for the next election.
Currently, there is only one restaurant that can serve liquor. That's Toni's of Winnebago.
In the November election, voters will be asked if they would like to expand that.
If you live in Winnebago, please read the ballot question carefully. It's worded in a strange way.
According to rrstar.com,
"Voters in this community be warned. The referendum question is tricky. "Shall the prohibition of the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor be continued in the Village of Winnebago."
If the voters say "No," the town will be able to sell alcohol. If they say "Yes," then the entire community becomes dry.
Pretty sneaky. It seems like it should be the opposite.
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