This Rockton Illinois Jeep Driver is Carrying…What in The Halloween!
October can bring out a dark, creepy, festive mood in people...even when you are dropping kids off at the school bus! But, this one leans to the ULTRA creepy side...What in the world is this Jeep carrying?
Occasionally I get photos sent to me with the caption, "maybe for your website?" This one was early on Wednesday morning, and I couldn't say no...Or figure out what is going on.
Jeeps in the area really go next level with the "extras," there's the ducks on the dashboard and all the decals that cover stuff. But this Jeep wasn't "Duckin'" around! Bring out your dead...
O.K...first look:
Looks like you have a visitor on the side, and on the back of your Jeep! That's good stuff. I wonder if this thing works in the carpool lane? O.K. now let's take a look at this from a different angle. How many "guests" does this Jeep have anyway?
Wait, what!?!? Let's take a closer at this setup...I think we have to so a "head" or "skull" count on this one! This is so cool!
Out for a family road trip, perhaps? No bones about it, this is super spooky...and cool!
Nice work Jeep peeps, imagine pulling up next to that at a traffic light, or...seeing it taking your kid to school first thing in the morning.
See anything Halloween around your neighborhood that is pretty cool, unique, or crazy?? Send it to me!!
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