The Good News Bears Fans, The Packers Once Got Beat by a Bunch of Fairies
Back in 1919 the Green Bay Packers played their first professional football game, and got beat by Fairies.
When you get beat, you get beat. As a Bears fan all I can do is shake my head and then laugh at all the social media "arm chair quarterbacks". The Bears should have done this, or that...I blame the center...terrible play calling...etc. Number 12 stomped a mud hole in the Chicago Bears, again....done.
So how about something to make Bears fans chuckle...Let's go back to 1919 and revisit the first ever Green Bay professional football game.
According to NBC15 the Green Bay Packers (known as the Indian Packing Squad) lost their first ever game to the Beloit Professionals, who where known as the "Fairies". THE PACKERS GOT BEAT BY A BUNCH OF FAIRIES.
O.K., so they were call that because of their corporate sponsor, Fairbanks Morse and Company.
Enjoy this Bears fans.