I have so many questions regarding this abandoned video.

First, I had no idea the Chicago Police Department would just abandon a building.

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

Like, what was the motivation to move out of the place? It's not like the police went out of business.

Second, if they did move to another building, why leave a whole bunch of stuff behind, including wanted posters and fingerprint machines?

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

Finally, why did they leave the power on? That doesn't make much sense at all, but it probably made the time YouTubers Decaying Midwest spent filming aided by some electricity a more pleasant experience.

About as pleasant as filming a creepy-looking and abandoned police department could get.

I'd have to guess with the number of videos they have shot, Decaying Midwest could probably count on one hand the abandoned buildings they have been in that actually still have power.

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

Usually, that's the first thing to go when you just up and leave a place. You stop paying the bills. Don't pay the electric bill, the power goes. Simple as that.

Somewhere in Chicago, someone is paying the electric bill for this abandoned police station.

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

Either way, it must have been creepy and honestly probably against the law. This might explain why the video was quick.

Decaying MIdwest on YouTube said in response to the quick camera movements and overall short run time "Didn’t feel safe in this one definitely rushed the video."

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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